Welcome to the Blog 2023!

Business School

As we warm back up to a brand new year, my co-directors and I can’t wait to bring the BSOC blog to new heights. Whether it be student experiences, guides to help you reach professional milestones or current affairs breakdowns, there will be an article for every one of our readers, accommodating to your individual interests.

With the buzz of a fresh start, everyone can’t help but set big goals for the upcoming year- and we have some of our own.

1. Bringing the wider business world to your fingertips

To equip the student community with the insights needed to develop informed opinions and broaden their awareness of the dynamic business space, we will strive to make those big headlines more digestible.

Be sure to find everything you need to know without the fluff here.

2. More opinion pieces and student experiences

In addition to our stunning line-up of articles written by sponsors just for BSOC Members, you can be sure that you will see a whole lot more of our alumni and members contributing their hot takes or funniest stories from their most memorable uni experiences.

You might see some opinion pieces about advances in the business space or cultural shifts our members are observing. Nonetheless, it sure will be a riveting read and some food for thought.

While we are so excited to share our thoughts and experiences, we are even more excited about our last goal:

3. Getting to know YOU!

This year we want to get to know you better so please feel free to send us your burning questions or open discussions that might appeal to other readers. As the blog evolves, it will become the intersection between diverging student voices, amplifying them as we all navigate the journey that is university together.

Just as we always have, you can expect the Publications Team to continue to deliver content which inspires, engages, and empowers the student body. Stay tuned to see all the eye-opening pieces being released this year. You may just find yourself clicking through a labyrinth of articles, with a new topic at every turn. Happy reading!

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